June 16, 2023


There are so many women who have forged a path and have become inspiration to others seeking their own business.

You may already know many of these tips, but sometimes we can use a refresher! Since 2020, nearly half of all American business starts have been by women. This is something to celebrate! There are so many women who have forged a path and have become inspiration to others seeking their own business. What makes these women successful? What keeps them building and making an impact? Let’s take a look at some of the things successful women entrepreneurs would say.

Here are 10 tips on what to expect and implement as a small business owner:

1)     Stay confident in who you are, remember your value, and all that you bring to the table.

2)     There is no such thing as perfection; losses only make us stronger and smarter.

3)     Be okay with hearing the word “no,” there is always something else around the corner.

4)     Manage your time wisely, organize your day, and keep a balanced work and family life.

5)     Reach out to other women who are pioneers or are just as motivated as you.

6)     Always be ready to join groups, events, meetings, and other networking opportunities.

7)     Find a key mentor or mentors that is going to help keep you motivated and teach you.

8)     It’s ok to barter for services and negotiate. Always compare multiple options in anything.

9)     As your business grows, you have to learn to delegate and choose your priorities.

10)   Hire slowly and save all you can. Be wise with your early profits and sow back into the business.

As a woman business owner, make sure to promote your business as a woman-owned business. I recently met a business owner who chooses to contract with women businesses and gives additional consulting to other women-owned clients. Giving back in this way makes a huge difference in the business community and is encouraging to other women who are just starting out. Again, never stop learning and keeping up with the trends. Learn all you can about your nearby resources. Personal growth is a life-long commitment that has priceless benefits. You are worth investing into!

By: Ashley Whitley WCWB